Meet Lisa

Name Lisa Robinson

Job title Team Leader

How long have you been a support worker with Autism Jersey? 7 months

What made you decide to become a Support Worker? I have always been interested in people with special needs and strongly believe that everyone has the right to the best possible life that they can have. To have the opportunity to help and support someone in achieving this is very rewarding. Autism is such a diverse subject and there is so much to learn about and discover.

What do you love most about your job? I enjoy the fact that every day is different and you never quite know what is going to happen next or what challenges you may have to face. I love to see my client happy and smiling, being cheeky and interacting well with the team. Plus the gratifying thought that I may have contributed to making someone's life just that little bit more special.

What are some of the challenges you face being a Support Worker? One of my biggest challenges is the lack of autism awareness amongst the general public. Knowing and accepting that many people we meet when out and about have no idea that they have just met a truly amazing person and have no concept or understanding of what challenges that person has to face and deal with on a daily basis. Getting to know an autistic person is quite complex and presents many challenges, such as finding out and being very aware of what their triggers might be, encouraging and supporting them to get through the day and assisting them with social interaction.

What makes your job worthwhile? The privilege of working together with an amazing and dedicated team and fantastic client base makes everything worthwhile.

What is your greatest or achievement or memory whilst working with Autism Jersey? Seeing how far we have come as a team and enjoying the results. Having a consistent approach in place which has enabled us to support our client at home and in leaving the house happily and safely twice a day to go on long walks, enter shops, cafes and restaurants .

What do you enjoy doing in your spare time? I enjoy spending time with family and friends and anything to do with being outdoors such as walking, hiking, biking, skiing, sailing.

Tell us a fun fact about yourself I lived and worked in Germany for 25 years and often get the languages mixed up and have a talent for creating my own words, which I am able to use with such conviction that others question themselves about whether or not this word truly exists! My daughter once said to me "Mum, just because you pronounce a word with an English accent, doesn't automatically turn it into an English word!”