Meet Martyn

Name Martyn Saralis

Job title Team Leader

How long have you been a support worker with Autism Jersey? Since 2016.

What made you decide to become a Support Worker? I was previously a Barista at a coffee shop and had a few of my friends who worked for the charity, they would often pop in whilst on shift and I always thought this was a cool job. I have come from a family who have worked in similar roles, especially mental health and supporting people with drug and alcohol problems. My parents had been great role models for me and have definitely made me appreciate working with people. Even in the coffee shop it was working and interacting with the customers that I was drawn towards, but I wanted to have a position where I could offer more to someone who may need my assistance.

What do you love most about your job? I love that every day is just a unique experience and varies from whom I am with and knowing I maybe enhancing another person’s day.

What are some of the challenges you face being a Support Worker? It is a challenging role especially the jump from Senior to Team Leader. The support work I really enjoy, even with its challenges but it’s been a big learning curve trying to lead a team.

What makes your job worthwhile? Seeing the transition from someone’s story, I have helped individuals living in hard times, whether that's not finding a job, struggling to socially interact or moving out into their own place for the first time. This is both extremely challenging but when you see the difference it makes the job worth while.

What do you enjoy doing in your spare time? I have many different hobbies but mainly playing my guitar or playing gigs with my band Electric Brick. I have recently been painting on pebbles and enjoyed having my work displayed in a few different exhibitions. Walking my dog and seeing family and friends.