What are the diagnostic criteria for autism?
Autism is different in every person as everybody is unique however, in order for autism to be diagnosed there is usually some key criteria including persistent difficulties with social interaction and communication, restricted and repetitive patterns of behaviours, activities or interests since childhood to the extent that these impact everyday functioning.
Social communication
Difficulty in social communication is common in autistic people although presents differently in each person. Autistic people can find it difficult to use or understand facial expressions, tone of voice, jokes and sarcasm. They can often take things literally which can make communication confusing for them.
Some autistic people are non verbal or have limited verbal communication. They may use alternative forms of communication such as Makaton sign language or visual symbols, and this can be an effective form of communication for them.
Others may be able to speak verbally but may still find it difficult to understand the expectations of a conversation.
Some may repeat what somebody has just said or something they have heard said a long time ago, this is called echolalia.
It helps to give an autistic person time to process what has been said to them, and to speak clearly. If an autistic person is verbal you should ask if there is anyway you need to adapt your communication with them.
Social interaction
Social interaction can be overwhelming and confusing to autistic people. Lots of autistic people want to be social and interact with others but may be unsure how to go about doing this. Autistic people can find understanding others and their own emotions difficult. They may also struggle to understand other people’s feelings and intentions.
This may make an autistic person appear aloof, insensitive and appear to act strangely or in a socially inappropriate way.
For these reasons they may find it difficult to form and maintain friendships and relationships.
Repetitive behaviour and routines
Autistic people may find structure and routines helpful as a way of understanding their chaotic and unpredictable world. They may prefer to have a specific daily routine to follow, and struggle when things in their change unpredictably. They may always travel the same way to school or work, or have the same lunch every day.
With the right support to prepare for changes in advance this can make change more manageable.
Highly focussed interests
Some autistic people have intense and highly-focused interests, often from a fairly young age. These can change over time or be lifelong, and can be anything from art or music, to trains or computers. An interest may sometimes be unusual.
Lots of autistic people are able to channel their interest into studying, work or volunteering. Autistic people often report that the pursuit of such interests is fundamental to their wellbeing and happiness.
Sensory sensitivity
Autistic people may also experience over and under sensitivity to sounds, touch, tastes, smells, light, colours, temperatures or pain.